5 UN Peacekeepers killed in Mali attack

At least five UN peacekeepers were killed in an ambush in central Mali by suspected militants on Sunday, the UN and police sources said. 
According to a press statement from the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the ambush occurred earlier today near the town of Sevare, UN news center reported. 
According to preliminary information, five peacekeepers were killed. Another was seriously injured and has been evacuated. 
The Mission expressed its condolences to the families of victims, as well as to the Government and people of Mali, and wished a speedy recovery to the injured peacekeeper. 
"I condemn in the strongest terms this despicable crime in addition to other terrorist acts that targeted our peacekeepers, which constitute crimes against humanity under international law," said Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of MINUSMA. 
The UN Mission did not confirm the nationality of the dead soldiers. 
Sunday's attack came just two days after authorities reported five Malian soldiers killed and four wounded Friday when their vehicles hit a mine in the north and then came under sustained fire.

Source: QNA