Three Egyptian companies signed cooperation agreements with their Slovenian counterpart in the sectors of energy, cables, and pharmaceuticals, according to ...

Visiting Slovenian President Borut Pahor on Tuesday asserted keenness on increasing economic cooperation with Egypt.

During his participation in the Slovenian-Egyptian Business Forum, Pahor added that he held talks on Monday night with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and also with Prime Minister Sherif Ismail on means of pushing up joint cooperation in several domains.

For her part, Egyptian Minister of International Cooperation Sahar Nasr pointed out that the Egyptian government has launched an ambitious economic program for achieving social and economic development.

President Sisi has launched several national mega projects including the development of the Suez Canal Zone, the new administrative capital and the reclamation of the 1.5 million feddans, she added.

The minister urged Slovenian companies to expand their activities in Egypt and benefit from investment incentives offered by the Egyptian government.