Tromborg is a Danish beauty brand which has just arrived in the UK. Tromborg, which was co-founded by Marianne Tromborg and Michael Wendt  in 2003, before Tim Schyberg joined in 2006, is a unisex range that has been designed to enhance life and mood for the whole family. Tromborg Treatment is a comprehensive line of luxury skin treatment products with rich creams and light serums, packed with actives and science innovation designed to project, heal and delay the signs of ageing. Scandinavian Mood is a holistic range of skincare, lifestyle and body products for mind, body and soul. Tromborg Professional Make-Up is an edited make-up collection which mirrors Marianne’s “less is more” approach when applying make-up. There are 189 products in the range, with price points ranging from £16 to £250 for the advanced skincare. The brand is available via the website, at flagship Debenhams stores and will be presented by Marianne Tromborg on QVC from January 2014.