May 1, 2017
Beware of overwhelming a traditionalist with your enthusiasm. You long to adopt a cutting-edge method, but someone who is suspicious of change will resist your efforts. Resist the temptation to heap scorn on their stuffy ways. You'll make much more progress by making a respectful appeal to their common sense. It will take time to get your point across, but you will be successful. Your powers of persuasion are strong. A logical appeal will be more effective than an emotional plea.
Weekly Horoscopes
A cutting-edge group is now eager to accept you. The problem is you are no longer interested in joining. While you admire their collective brilliance, you're upset by the way you were treated when you first applied for admission. Look for an organisation that isn't comprised of elitists. Your creative ability is admired by a powerful executive. Working as their assistant will advance your own professional prospects. Keep quiet about this alliance right now.
Your growing popularity has taken you by surprise. You're in greater demand for parties, outings and other social occasions. You're extremely attractive and everyone wants to have you on their team. Pleasure activities could put a serious dent in your budget. The costs involved will make you think twice about some arrangements. Still, even if you miss out on some, there will be plenty you will enjoy. Make the weekend a time for physical activity and enjoying some healthy fun with the family.
May 2017 Horoscope
The first days of the month will find you working behind the scenes for an extremely creative person. Put your assumptions aside for the sake of absorbing new information. Look, listen and learn. The Full Moon on the 10th will finally begin to show results from a health regimen. Give yourself a handsome reward for strengthening your system. Resist the temptation to get pushy with an authority figure at the middle of the month. Be a team player instead. The second half of May could find you steering a friendship into romantic waters. If you've already got a steady partner, encourage them to pursue a lifelong dream. On the 25th, the New Moon will inspire you to adopt a new look. Changing your style, splashing out on clothes or even undergoing a cosmetic procedure could underscore your natural good looks. The final days of the month will find you in the arms of an adoring admirer.