Algeria’s former Minister of State Abu Jara Al Sultani

Algeria’s former Minister of State Abu Jara Al Sultani revealed his position from statements issued by presidential official Ahmed Oyahia who ruled out the possibility of the formation of a national accordance government in Algeria after the parliamentary elections scheduled to be held on May 4.

The Algerian former official said, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the current government failed to resolve the current economic crisis witnessed in the country from which the country suffers since the notable decline witnessed in the price of oil nearly three years ago.

He added, “The Algerian government failed to confront the economic crisis alone and is demanded to provide an opportunity to the different political parties to participate in the decision making process.” He added that the formation of government is the responsibility of Algeria’s President Abdel Aziz Boutaflika, saying that he is the only official who has the authority to decide whether to form a national unity government or not.

He said that a number of opposition parties seized the opportunity of the current parliamentary elections to review their political speech, saying that it is the time for Society Peace Movement, loyal to Algeria’s Muslim Brotherhood, to restore its position in the Algerian political arena. He did not rule out the possibility of the ascent of an Islamist figure to the presidency of Algerian parliament, saying that it could happen in case of reintegration of the presidential alliance.

He ruled out the possibility of radical changes in the Algerian political arena after the coming parliamentary elections scheduled to be held on May 4. He stressed that the coming elections will lead to the same current political map. He underlined the failure of the Algerian authority to convince the Algerian citizens to participate in the coming election, saying that the failure reflects the state of frustration dominating the citizens over the performance of Algerian parliamentarians during the recent parliamentary round.