Russian cyclist Alexandr Kolobnev became the first rider to be kicked out of the Tour de France on Monday after an A sample from the Katusha rider tested positive for a banned substance. A statement from cycling\'s governing body the UCI (International Cycling Union) said a urine sample taken from Kolobnev in-race on July 6, had tested positive for Hydrochlorothiazide. The UCI statement said: \"The UCI has informed the Russian rider Alexandr Kolobnev of an abnormal finding (presence of Hydrochlorothiazide according to a report submitted by the WADA-accredited laboratory in Chatenay-Malabry) from a urine sample taken during the Tour de France on July 6, 2001. \"M. Kolobnev has the right to request analysis of a B sample and to be present during the process.\" A diuretic, hydrochlorothiazide is listed as a banned substance because it can also be used to mask other drugs. The 30-year-old, a silver medal winner at the 2009 world road championships, was placed 69th in the overall Tour de France standings, 22min 15sec behind yellow jersey leader Thomas Voeckler. Kolobnev, a multi national champion, is also a respected one-day classics rider who finished fourth in the Olympic road race in Beijing at the 2008 Games. He has also finished on the podium of several hilly classics, finishing third in the Tour de Lombardy in 2009, sixth at the Amstel Gold Race the same year and runner-up at Liege-Bastogne-Liege in 2010. Kolobnev is not the only sportsman to have tested positive for Hydrochlorothiazide. Australia\'s former top cricket star Shane Warne tested positive for the drug along with amiloride in February 2003, prompting him to pull out of the World Cup. He was given a 12-month ban by the Australian Cricket Board\'s anti-doping unit.