Emirati writer, intercultural consultant and sports enthusiast Wael Al Sayegh gives his take on books Friday: Does the store where you buy your books have any influence on your choice? Wael Al Sayegh: Not really. If I want something they do not have they always order it for me. Friday: Where do you get your books from (library, bookshops, airport lounges or online sources like amazon.com)? Wael Al Sayegh: I mainly get my books from bookshops. Friday: Do you have a library at home or do you discard the books after reading? Wael Al Sayegh: I have a library at home and I am very proud of it. Friday: Do you like to give books to friends as presents? Wael Al Sayegh: Yes, I think it\'s the best gift you can give. Friday: Do you borrow books from people? Do you return them? Wael Al Sayegh: I do not borrow books from others. Friday: How important is having a library in the community? Wael Al Sayegh: Sadly, it is not considered very important in my community. Friday: Do you like audio books? Why/why not? Wael Al Sayegh: I have not experienced them personally but I imagine them to be a good modern alternative for many. Friday: What do you think are the advantages of audio books compared to regular books? Wael Al Sayegh:  Mobility is the key, I would think. Friday: Where does their appeal lie? Wael Al Sayegh: Audio books appeal far more to folk who are very verbal.