Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi

 The Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned Saturday the deadly terrorist attacks in the Syrian capital of Damascus as "heinous and shameful," Press TV reported.

"Indiscriminate assassinations, carnage and spilling the blood of innocent people, including women and children, are the last resort of the desperate and miserable terrorists who have lost their control more than ever following their recurrent and disgraceful defeats in various fields," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi said.

"Terrorists and their supporters know well that they are on the verge of more failures and full collapse," Qasemi added.

The deadly bombings targeted two busses carrying Iraqi Shiite visitors in the Syrian capital Damascus and Shiite shrines in the Bab al-Saghir cemetery in Damascus.

The bombings left 44 people killed and 100 others wounded.

source: Xinhua