Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani

Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani strongly condemned on Monday the suicide attack in Kabul city that left nearly 70 people dead or wounded. 
The Office of the President, in a statement said that Ghani described today’s suicide attack as an unforgivable move against humanity for targeting the civilian workers, as Khaama press reported. 
Ghani added that the terrorist groups attempted to prove their cruelty through these attacks after being defeated in the battleground by the national defense and security forces. 
He added that such crimes will further increase the hatred against the terrorist groups among the people. 
The Afghan president renewed the government's stance in fighting all forms of terrorism without distinction, noting that the government will boost the capabilities of the security forces to eliminate the danger of terrorism. 
The Taliban group claimed its responsibility behind the suicide attack. 
The Ministry of Interior said that at least 24 civilians were killed and 42 others were wounded in the attack.

Source: Mena