Military Investigative judge Fadi Sawan issued on Thursday Five indictments

Military Investigative judge Fadi Sawan issued on Thursday Five indictments in which he referred 11 detainees including a Lebanese citizen to the permanent military court for trial. 
It is noteworthy that the arrested ( 10 Syrians and a Lebanese) were all accused of belonging to terrorist groups in addition to other crimes as of fighting against the Lebanese army in Ersal, attempt to kill soldier and theft. 
The first indictment was issued against the Syrians Mohammed AlAbdallah and his friends. 
The Second indictment was issued against the Syrian Mouayed Ahmed Elwaw. 
The third indictment was issued against the Syrians Wael Ammouyeh and Manal Abed ElAziz. 
The fourth indictment was issued against the Lebanese Mohammed El-Housein. 
The fifth indictment was issued against the Syrian Kamal El-Khaled. 

Source: NNA