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The UN relief official in South Sudan on Sunday strongly condemned the killing of six aid workers in an ambush while traveling from Juba to Pibor on Saturday.

Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Eugene Owusu said the ambush -- which represents the highest number of aid workers killed in a single incident since the conflict began -- comes after two other grave attacks on aid workers this month.

"I am appalled and outraged by the heinous murder yesterday (Saturday) of six courageous humanitarians in South Sudan," Owusu said in a statement issued in Juba.

"At a time when humanitarian needs have reached unprecedented levels, it is entirely unacceptable that those who are trying to help are being attacked and killed," he added.

The latest attack on aid workers came after a humanitarian convoy was attacked in Yirol East on March 14, while responding to a cholera outbreak in the area.

Unfortunately, one health worker and one patient were killed and at least one other health worker was injured.

Separately, during fighting in Mayendit town on March 10, local staff of an international NGO were detained by non-state armed actors and released four days later.

Already in March, there have been multiple instances of looting of aid supplies, including in two areas in Mayendit which are top priority locations for the famine response.

Owusu said these attacks against aid workers and aid assets are utterly reprehensible, noting that the attacks not only put the lives of aid workers at risk, but also threaten the lives of thousands of South Sudanese who rely on assistance for survival.

"For us to continue to provide life-saving relief to the civilians suffering immensely across this country, the safety and security of aid workers must be upheld, the impunity that has prevailed to date must end, and perpetrators must be held to account," he said.

According to the UN, at least 79 aid workers have been killed in South Sudan since the beginning of the December 2013 crisis, including at least 12 killed in 2017, and at least eight humanitarian convoys have been attacked already this year.

Under International Humanitarian Law, intentional attacks against humanitarian relief personnel may constitute war crimes.

"Every time an attack of this nature happens, we say that it must never happen again. And yet it does. I implore all those in positions of power to step up their responsibilities and stop this, as they are ultimately accountable for what happens under their watch. There is no safety when attacks are met with silence and inaction," Owusu said.

More than three years of conflict have taken a devastating toll on the people of South Sudan.

Around 7.5 million people across the country are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection and localized famine has been declared in parts of Unity.

Source: Xinhua