Hollande Denounces Nice" suicide" Attack, Extends State of Emergency

French President Francois Hollande recommended that an existing state of emergency, put in place in the wake of the Paris attacks in November 2015 and due to expire later this month, be extended for three further months. 
"We cannot deny that it was a terror attack," Hollande said in a national television address. He added that the choice of the day -- Bastille Day, when France celebrates its post-French Revolution republic -- was particularly poignant. 
He described the attack as a "monstrosity" and said soldiers would be deployed to support gendarmes and police, particularly at the country’s borders. 
Police shot and killed the driver, said Pierre-Henry Brandet, a spokesman for the French Interior Ministry. Police found firearms, explosives and grenades in the truck, Estrosi said.

Source: QNA