Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab on Wednesday stressed that the government does not target the freedom of journalism when adopting the terror bill.

In his meeting with editors in chief of the Egyptian newspapers, Mahlab said that journalists exert utmost effort to defend the country when the Egyptian national security is targeted.

The premier asserted that he respects the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression, pointing out that both of them will not be sacrificed.

A draft of anti-terror law should be promptly adopted in such critical time as the country is experiencing a real state of war, the prime minister told the editors in chief.

He called on all Egyptians to be on alert until August, the time in which the new Suez Canal is planned to be opened, as there are plans to undermine Egypt during this time.

The under-study terror bill does not target journalists, but it is meant to hold all those who try to harm the Egyptian national security accountable.

Mahlab, who took office in March 2014, criticized media outlets that falsely claimed that a huge number of Egyptian army servicemen were killed in the latest terror attacks in Sinai.

Such misleading news items harmed the morale of the army's personnel, Mahlab noted.

The meeting came after worries have been expressed by the Egyptian Syndicate of Journalists and the fear the terror bill would limit the freedom of press in Egypt.
Source: MENA