Clinical Dietitian Mustafa Beheiri

Clinical Dietitian Mustafa Beheiri presented to Arabs Today a special diet for those suffering from short bowel syndrome on the occasion of the spring and the end of winter.
He said that there are types of diet which fit all ages and health conditions, and they are balanced and allow up to 8 meals. The following diet is allocated especially for those who suffer from "short bowel syndrome," is a malabsorption disorder caused by a lack of functional small intestine. The primary symptom is diarrhea, which can result in dehydration, malnutrition, and weight loss. Other symptoms may include bloating, heartburn, feeling tired, lactose intolerance, and foul smelling stool. Complications can include anemia and kidney stones.
This system divides each basic meal (breakfast - lunch - dinner) into two or more meals so that the number of meals during the day reach 6-8 small meals.
It requires reducing fiber foods such as green salad (lettuce - Arugula - radishes) and eating option and tomatoes without peel and, without seed, and zucchini without peel and seeding, and reduce fruits such as oranges and tangerines and sowing guava, and also reduce the apostasy and bread Age and municipal bread, and whole wheat, as well as reducing food-forming gases such as onions and cabbage and cauliflower and legumes (beans - lobia -..).
It also reduces foods such as: Tea - Coffee - cola - cocoa and chocolate - nuts - spinach and dark green leafy vegetables.
It also requires stop drinking milk for lactose Intolerance and replace it with yogurt, and reduce the sweets and fatty intensive (Cake - Basbousa - Algelash - Kunafa - brioche and foods fortified with Karim Shanti) reduce the fat in the food during cooking as much as possible, and to get rid of fat meat and chicken skin.