Health Minister Adel Adawy

Egypt on its way to eliminate the Hepatitis C virus, Health Minister Adel Adawy said Tuesday.

Adawy cited the progress Egypt achieved in endemic diseases such as Tuberculosis, Malaria, and poliomyelitis.

The minister said the ratio of infection with Hepatitis C virus was seven percent according to demographic survey conducted in 2015.

During his speech delivered in the World Hepatitis Day held in Saladin Citadel in the presence of representatives form WHO and governmental and public figures, Adawy said a six-step strategy was made to contain the disease.

He announced activating an initiative of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, aimed at providing a million package of Egyptian-made drug similar to Sovaldi for Hepatitis C patients.

The minister pointed out that the success of Sovaldi hit 93.4 percent.
Source: MENA