Arab Parliament meetings in Cairo

A delegation from the UAE Parliamentary Division of the Federal National Council, FNC, participated on Sunday in the Arab Parliament's four committees' meetings in Cairo, in preparation for the third session of the Second Legislative Chapter, to be held next Tuesday at the League of Arab States.

The UAE delegation included members of the FNC: Khalid Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, Chairman of Financial and Economic Affairs; Aisha Salem bin Samnoh, member of the Social, Cultural, Youth and Women Affairs Committee, and Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Al Yamahi, member of the Foreign, Political and National Security Affairs Committee.

According to Al Falasi, the committee will discuss important issues during the two days, as well as other concerns that were recommended for discussion by the Parliament Bureau and the financial report.

In a statement to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), he said that the committee will discuss preparations to hold a broad economic seminar to address economic integration among Arab countries, and host a session to discuss the investment climate in the Arab region.

According to Aisha Salem bin Samnoh, the committee discussed a draft work plan during the first session of the Second Legislative Chapter, as well as a report on the participation of the Arab Parliament at the Second Arab Forum to improve the Arabic language, held last December.

She added that honouring former Arab Parliament members, and the drafting of a comprehensive project for education and scientific research in the Arab region, were also included in the discussions.

The Legal, Legislative and Human Rights Affairs Committee is currently discussing a draft paper on the Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as addressing the humanitarian situation and arbitrary laws against Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons. The committee will also discuss its vision for adopting a mechanism to follow the reports of international and regional human rights organisations in Arab countries.

The Foreign, Political and National Security Affairs Committee will discuss current developments in the region, including the issue of Palestinian development, the security situation in several Arab countries, the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights in Syria, and Iran’s occupation of three UAE islands.