Israeli occupants assault press teams

Israeli occupation forces have assaulted the press teams stationed in front of Asbat gate leading to Al Aqsa Mosque and banned their entry to the old city of Al Quds.
Employees of Al Quds Awqaf Department led by Director General Sheikh Azzam el Khateib continued their sit-in outside Al Nazer gate in protest against Israeli measures in the holy mosque.
The Israeli bulldozers have started to move cement blocks and dust removed from Asbat gate in preparation for installing smart cameras.
Meanwhile, hundreds of citizens from the old city of al Quds performed dawn prayers at the streets and open areas surrounding Asbat and Heta gates.
Israeli occupation forces attacked worshipers after they performed evening prayers and fired tear gas and canister bombs at them, wounding a number of journalists and ambulance men.

Source: Mena