Ministers Yun Byung-se & John Kerry

South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday agreed to maintain a close watch for possible North Korea provocations amid uncertainties facing the two countries, Yun's ministry said. 
During a 15-minute telephone discussion earlier in the day, the two agreed to "keep the current cooperation momentum" under the countries' alliance, the foreign ministry said in a press release carried by Yonhap News Agency. 
"Yun asked Kerry to make efforts in the process of transitioning power to the incoming administration so that the incumbent administration's foreign policy of prioritizing North Korean issues and policy line of placing importance on Asia can be continued (by the next U.S. administration)," it said. 
According to the ministry, Kerry vowed to do his best to see his office's policies continue with the next administration by thoroughly briefing them on the two sides' achievements and current policy framework. 
Yun also reaffirmed that the Seoul government maintains its diplomatic and security policy lines despite its domestic conditions, referring to the parliament's move to impeach embattled President Park Geun-hye.

Source:  QNA