Sudanese Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Mohamed Osman Al-Rikabi

Sudanese Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Mohamed Osman Al-Rikabi has stressed his ministry's readiness to provide all kinds of support for the investments of the US companies to create a successful model of partnership and attract international investments.

During a meeting with Chairman of the US Group of Overseas Companies (specialized in the investment in the fields of energy, mining, oil and gas) Peter Watson, Rikabi stressed his support for the efforts to enhance relations between Sudan and the United States and address the pending issues.

According to the Sudan news agency (SUNA), Rikabi pointed out to the US giant's expertise in the fields of energy, oil, gas and mining, enumerating investment opportunities available in the country after lifting the economic embargo.

For his part, Watson expressed the desire of overseas companies to invest in Sudan, revealing that their visit to Sudan comes within the framework of exploration of investment and production opportunities available in Sudan.

Source : Mena