Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

Trump ‘supports peace’ even if not through two-state solution

A senior White House official on Tuesday has said that the U.S. President, Donald Trump, does support an Israeli-Palestinian peace, ‘even if it was not through the two-state solution.’

This statement came one day before Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Whether that comes in the form of a two–state solution if that’s what the parties want, or something else,” the official said, adding that Trump would not try to “dictate” a solution, Reuters said.

Trump considers Middle East peace a “high priority,” the White House official said. The president has given his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, the job of negotiating a peace deal.

“We would want to work on it very quickly,” the official said, as reported by Reuters.

In response to the comments by a White House, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement: 

“If U.S. President Donald Trump is trying to create alternative realities, then he should spell out what the options are – a one-state solution would require equal rights and citizenship for all, unless he is advocating an apartheid state. However, a situation of perpetual occupation would only generate greater extremism and violence within the region and beyond.”

“The two-state solution is a longstanding policy of the US and has global consensus as a basic requirement for peace, Ashrawi added.

“If the Trump Administration rejects this policy it would be destroying the chances for peace and undermining American interests, standing and credibility abroad. Accommodating the most extreme and irresponsible elements in Israel and in the White House is no way to make responsible foreign policy.”

While Trump made such statements, Israel continues illegal settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank. Recently the Israeli parliament (Knesset) has passed a bill that legalizes land grab of privately owned Palestinian land for the settlement expansion.

Since Trump took office, Israel announced plans to build over 6,000 settlement units.

In addition, Trump’s appointee to the American embassy, David Friedman, openly supports settlements.

Source :PNN