Awqaf Minister Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa

Awqaf Minister Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa, the chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, urged all political, religious, cultural, economic and media institutions in the Islamic world to rally efforts in the face of terrorism and extremist thought.

Addressing the council's international conference which started on Saturday, he said the conference is meant to underline the importance of entrenching the values of citizenship and peaceful coexistence.

The conference underscores the importance of respecting heavenly religions and avoiding gender, racial and religious discrimination.

He noted that terror is a trans-continental phenomenon.

The conference - in which more than 100 people from various world countries take part – focuses on common humanitarian factors for world peace, he said.

He reiterated religious scholars' rejection of linking terror to religion.

He highlighted the wide women participation in the conference within the framework of President Abdel Fatah Sisi's declaration that the year will be the women's year. He added that women were honored in Islam.

Source: MENA