Ingredients: 1½ cups whipping cream or 375 g ¼ cup hazelnuts or 40 g, crushed 3 bananas or 450 g, sliced diagonally 1 cup dark chocolate or 150 g, chopped into small pieces 1 tin Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk or 397 g For garnishing: 50 g chocolate chips 50 g hazelnuts, crushed Preparation: Whip the cream for 4-5 minutes or until it becomes firm, but do not over beat. Add crushed hazelnuts and banana slices into the cream. Set aside. Melt chocolate in a bowl over hot water. Mix Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk with melted chocolate in a separate bowl. Layer up the two mixtures in individual glasses with some chocolate flakes in between and top with chocolate flakes and crushed hazelnuts.