President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi said Thursday Cairo accords special attention to its relations with the World Bank being an important development partner.

Receiving World Bank President Jim Yong Kim at his residence in New York, Sisi appreciated the bank's efforts in support of Egypt at at various levels, especially via implementing developmental projects, providing technical support and enhancing the role of the private sector.

Sisi also praised the bank's support to Egypt's economic reform program.

For his part, Kim lauded the positive results of the program and the Egyptian government's performance in addressing structural imbalances in the economy and improving the business and investment climate, said presidential spokesman Alaa Yousef.

He also affirmed that the World Bank would continue to implement cooperation programs with Egypt and develop cooperation and consultation frameworks between them.

The meeting reviewed the positive indicators and results of the reform program, including the increase in cash reserves, Egyptian exports and foreign investment rates, Yousef said.

Sisi affirmed Cairo is determined to continue implementing the reform program and achieve the targeted growth rates in tandem with expanding social protection nets and programs, in addition to adopting more legislative and administrative reforms to improve the business and investment climate, the spokesman reiterated.

The meeting also discussed ways to enhance cooperation between Egypt and the World Bank in the various fields, especially those pertaining to supporting Egyptian efforts to realize the sustainable development goals 2030 as well as those related to the economic and social transformation.

Source : Mena