It will be considered a violation in case of schools that do not stick to the schedule

It will be considered a violation in case of schools that do not stick to the schedule Public and private schools must adhere to the Eid Al Adha holiday schedule announced by the government and should resume classes on November 8, an official from the Ministry of Education told Gulf News Tuesday.
Ali Mahad Al Suwaidi, Director-General of the Ministry of Education, said the government has announced Eid holidays from November 6 to November 8 and the ministry will sanction schools that stretch the three-day break into a week.
"It will be considered a violation in case of schools that do not stick to the three-day holiday schedule and extend it, " an official said.
However, schools that have a prior approval from the ministry for the week-long schedule may go ahead with their timetable, Al Suwaidi said.
Holidays proposed by schools need prior approval from the ministry.
It was learnt that some schools have informed parents that regular classes will resume only after a week. Some parents said there was initial confusion over the holidays as they had planned a nine-day break.