2nd black box of doomed EgyptAir plane retrieved

The flight data recorder from the EgyptAir plane that crashed in the Mediterranean Sea last month has been retrieved, the ministry of civil aviation said Friday.

After the success in retrieving the cockpit voice recorder of the doomed A320; John Lethbridge, the vessel contracted by the Egyptian Government; has managed to retrieve the second black box which is the flight data recorder, the ministry said in a statement. 

The flight data recorder was also retrieved in several stages but the vessel equipment managed to pick up the memory unit; which is considered as the most important part of the above-mentioned recorder.

The General Prosecution was immediately notified, the statement added. 

The two data recorders will be handed over to the technical investigation committee to carry out analysis and unload the voice conversations.

The statement noted that the transfer process of the two data recorder to Alexandria is under process.

Source: MENA