Violent clashes erupted between Houthi militias and governmental troops

Violent clashes erupted between the governmental troops loyal to Yemen’s legitimate government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi on one hand and Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on the other hand on early Friday in the Yemeni city of Taiz, as the insurgents launched a surprise attack on the sites controlled by the governmental troops.

Yemen’s military forces managed to control in a number of areas in Mokha city, on the eastern area of Taiz. According to military sources, the Yemeni army managed to control the area of Hessi Elwan, a village neighboring Khalid Bin Al Waleed Camp. It added that they also launched an artillery attack against the strongholds of Houthi militias and Saleh’s forces in Mozea Directorate. The attack led to the killing and injury a large number of militants.

On its hand, Arab Coalition’s fighter jets bombarded the strongholds of Houthi militias in Wazeya district and Arish area, as they managed to destroy a number of weapons stores in Mozea Mountains. Sources revealed that the attack led to the killing of dozens of militants.

Local sources said that the Arab Coalition fighter jets launched 6 raids on separate locations of Houthis in Baqem and Ktaf directorates, and the fighters still flying in the area without any response from the Houthis.

The dissident leader of the Houthi group, Ali al-Bukhaiti said on his Facebook account that, the emergency law of Houthis group is only targeting what is left from the Central Bank cash, especially the cash belongs to political funds, commercial banks and big traders. He linked between this emergency law and the group quest to replace the insurance authority and other officials.

On the political side, Yemen’s Prime Minister Ahmed Ebeid Bin Dagher said that Saudi King Salman Bin Abdel Aziz decided to pay special allowances to the families of martyrs during banquet in the Saudi capital of Riyadh attended by a number of Yemeni governmental officials on Thursday.

According to Yemen’s Prime Minister, Saudi King decided to provide the families of martyrs with 150 million riyals as allowance to the families of martyrs. He added that the Saudi government accepted to provide Hadramout with 170 thousand liters of oil to operate the city’s power station.