Yemeni army foil attack in Taiz, coalition raids kill 12 of Houthis

Yemeni government forces and the popular resistance  foiled, on Wednesday, a violent attack by Houthis militants on the northern outskirts of Mokha, west of Taiz, in southern Yemen.

 A military source said that the Houthis attacked the government's forces positions in Ruwais, and fierce fighting took place between the two sides lasted nearly five hours. The government forces also foiled another attack, south of Hodeidah, after the killing and wounding a number of them and destroying their equipment and their vehicles.

The Arab Coalition's jets launched four raids on reinforcements for the Houthis in the northern outskirts of Mokha. The coalition's warships also targeted, with eight missiles, the Houthis sites, according to a military source, leaving 12 killed and 14 injured.

An explosive device exploded in a military patrol of Yemeni army in Marib city, causing no damage or casualties. The sources confirmed that security had cordoned off the scene and are being investigated and follow-up to arrest the terrorist cells that are trying to destabilize security in the province.

The Yemeni national army have cleared new sites in Naham, east of the capital Sana'a, during the past few hours.
Yemeni military troops loyal to legitimate government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, managed to control Houthis' military sites in Saada province, north of Yemen.

In Riyadh, Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi urged the military leaders to unify energies and efforts, to raise the readiness and enhance security vigilance and the morale of the fighters for the victory in the battle, and put an end to the arrogance of the coup militias which destroyed the country.

"Our efforts towards peace is continue and our hands outstretched just peace based on the terms of reference and the choice of our people approved by the cross-national dialogue outputs and  the Gulf initiative," Hadi said. He praised the heroism and sacrifices of the protectors of the homeland and popular resistance, backed by coalition countries, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.