Ahmed El Sakka managed to convince the Sinai elders to allow the screening of his movie “El Maslaha”. Egyptian actor Ahmed El Sakka managed to convince the Sinai elders to hold back on the legal action they took to prohibit the screening of his movie “El Maslaha”. El Sakka met with a number of members of the parliament alongside the governer of South Sinai, where he clarified the whole idea of the movie and emphasized that its aim is in no way to offend the Bedouins. And although Ahmad Ezz was also set to meet with them, but El Sakka advised him not to do so, since the elders attacked his character in particular for the way it conveyed Sinai people as outlaws and drug dealers. Ahmed El Sakka told the religious elders that the message behind “El Maslaha” has been completely misunderstood and that contrary to what they believe, its goal is to shed light on the importance of re-colonizing the Sinai so as not he remain an outlet for terrorism not drug dealership. From: Wikeez