Trade and Industry Minister Tareq Qabil

Trade and Industry Minister Tareq Qabil said that the Egyptian-Saudi Trade Committee will convene at the level of experts in May.

The committee will follow up the implementation of recommendations issued by the 15th session of the committee, a statement by the Trade and Industry Ministry said.

Meetings will discuss boosting economic cooperation and beefing up trade exchange between the two countries. They will also discuss a host of economic-related files of mutual concern.

The minister further underlined that his talks with Saudi officials on the sidelines of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's recent visit to Riyadh focused on a number of economic-related files, including promoting intra-trade and removing all obstacles to it.

The two sides also discussed facilitating measures to hold trade fairs in the two countries and promote electronic data interchange in the e-commerce domain, Qabil said.

He added they also mulled beefing up Saudi investments in Egypt in light of genuine efforts exerted by the Egyptian government to remove obstacles to foreign investors in Egypt. 

The two sides also reviewed mechanisms to implement a program of mutual recognition of conformity certificates and quality marks, the minister said

Source: MENA