Information technology

Presidential spokesman Alaa Yousef said Sunday President Abdel Fattah El Sisi launched two initiatives to bolster the information technology industry in Egypt.

The first initiative is the design and manufacture of electronics and the second is the electronic education initiative, the spokesman said in a statement.

The president termed the first initiative as an industry of Egypt's future because it is based on encouraging the information technology industry through the activities of the electronics companies which employ a large number of workers and would contribute to the increase of economic revenues to hit $3 billion over the coming three years.

The second initiative, called "electronic education", is based on qualifying young Egyptian cadres in the field of information technology, the spokesman said.

Earlier in the day, Sisi inaugurated the 19th session of Cairo ICT 2015 conference and forum.

Addressing the ceremony, the president asserted that Egypt will support the information technology and communication industry as it is a promising industry whose investments hit EGP 52 billion and its exports to 160 countries have reached EGP 12 billion.

Sisi said he was briefed by a major technology company participating in the fair on the latest technologies of software programs which have been achieved by Egyptian youths.

He added that the officials in the company asserted that the Egyptians have huge potentials in the field of information technology.

He urged media men to get briefed on the great achievements of Egyptian youths in the field of information technology and communication through the CAIRO ICT.

The 19th edition of the International Telecommunication, Information Technology, Networking, Computing, Satellite & Broadcasting Trade Fair & Forum for the Middle East and Africa (Cairo ICT 2015) comes under the rubric "Go Smart".

Cairo ICT 2015 Conference program presents a mix of plenary and parallel sessions around well-defined topics. It aims to bring the emerging facts and issues of the ICT industry on different level, with a number of high-level panelists from key organizations.