Kate Gilmore

United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore praised Tuesday the International Conference on Human Rights Approach to Conflict Situations in the Arab Region for addressing vital topics in light of the conflicts and crises in many parts of the world including the Arab world.
Speaking exclusively to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Gilmore said that the need to address human rights issues increases along with the increase of atrocities and violations of those rights. She expressed her delight that dozens of regional and international organization who are eager for peace participated in this event.
The UN Deputy Commissioner stressed that there are no ties between human rights violations and a particular geographic location. She noted that many European countries committed humanitarian atrocities in World War II. Years later similar atrocities were committed in a number of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
She maintained that sovereign states have the responsibility to build institutions that guard human rights. Only these institutions would prevent any country from deterioration into violence and humanitarian crimes. She stressed that without an independent judiciary, free press, and advocates of human rights, no country can resolve its conflicts without violence. 

Source: QNA