In a tribunal court in Azilal, a woman was charged and jailed for infidelity and incest. Her husband sued her after discovering that she fell pregnant despite him being absent from home for 13 whole months. According to a close source from the husband’s family, the husband was shocked when he discovered that his wife was pregnant although he was away from home for a year. The same source clarified that he came back for Eid al-Fitr and noticed that his wife’s tummy was bigger than usual.  He questioned this and after she refused to give her husband a clear answer, he took her to her parent’s house, where she admitted to having sex with her husband’s nephew, after he broke into her room  whilst she was sleeping. The accused wife said that she could not face the scandal either by abortion or by escaping since she is the mother of five children. She admitted that she tried to hide her shame and tried to avoid sitting with her husband’s family. She is now seven months pregnant. Arabstoday was told that when she was arrested, she started to hit her stomach.   The wife will be jailed for one year, for performing infidelity and  incest. The father of her future child may also be arrested.