Moroccan MP Khadija Al Zoumi

Moroccan MP Khadija Al Zoumi has been elected recently to be the first vice president of Muslim MP Women Forum during the conference of Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation hosted by Bamako.

Zoumi revealed, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that she stressed the need for achieving development based on cooperation to pave the way for creating Islamic integrated economy. She underlined the need for drafting a strategy to confront the current state of division and the separatist movements.

She praised the Islamic approach, stressing that Islam underlined the role of women in the life of families and different communities. She added that Islam is the only religion that responds to all questions on different social, political and economic levels.

The Moroccan parliamentarian, representing Islamist Independence Party, expressed her appreciation to the western support for the African states through the development projects, stressing the need for working to improve Islam’s image before the world during the current critical period.

She stressed that the world witnesses a phase of critical shifts, saying that the world leaders should turn to adopt the basic solutions for the current challenged facing the world. She warned of the repercussion of turning to the military solutions, calling for promoting the culture of tolerance and dialogue to enjoy peace.

She praised the Moroccan approach adopted by King Mohamed V to confront the extremist ideas and to renew the religious speech through the formation of a new generation of preachers and the revision of educational curricula to besiege extremism from the different sides.

She stressed the Moroccan refusal to the different separatist trends, calling the rights organizations and international forums to respect the states sovereignty and their territorial integrity to support the political solutions for different conflicts in the region.

The Moroccan parliamentarian underlined the Moroccan efforts to support the Libyan dialogue culminated in Skhirat Agreement