Live Twitter feed revealed news of Maspero’s State TV’s website has been hacked by an unknown hacker. The website has been hacked due to its acclaimed false coverage of the clashes in Tahrir Square on November 19 and 20. The site was hacked but the entire website was put down for a few minutes. The site was back up to reveal the following message along with rock music playing in an automatic stream. The Arabic message translates into the following exerpt: This is Simple response to the absurdity on state TV, with the same unsuccessful and hypocritical policies. During the Egyptian January 25 Revolution, they were hypocritical in supporting the former regime and now, they are hypocritical in supporting the military council. We are just calling out to you to deliver a clear image. Egyptian were killed last night in Tahrir and you are showing a romantic scene of the River Nile? Viva Egypt (F) This is the website, which is sometimes running but taken down and out of order in bursts.