Duncan Bannatyne, star of television show Dragons' Den, caused a Twitter storm after offering £50,000 to anyone who would break the arms of a tweeter who threatened his daughter. The 62-year-old Scot offered a £25,000 reward to anyone who could identify the tweeter calling himself @YuriVasilyev, to be doubled "if his arms were broken." The self-made millionaire quickly removed the post from his Twitter page, replacing it with another message promising "£30,000 reward for info leading to his arrest". Bannatyne received a message three days ago, saying: "I'm looking for a £35,000 investment to stop us hurting your Hollie Bannatyne. We will bring hurt and pain into your life. We are watching her. She is very attractive. Want photos?" Another message said: "Duncan Bannatyne - Hollie is going to get hurt. We will bring pain and fear. You should have expected us. We are the men of Belarus. "We do not give up. We will stand tall. You should have paid. £35,000 to stop it. Contact us to pay. We are watching. Expect us. We are the men of Belarus." Despite the messages, Bannatyne later said he suspected the sinister Tweeter was based in Moscow. "My family is well protected but I take any threat to them very seriously and will do all I can to ensure the person or people involved are caught," Bannatyne said in a statement.