Commissioned and challenged to design a space divider in Socrates Sculpture Park (Long Island City, USA), artist Alyson Shotz came up with a creative mirror fence. The installation is barely noticeable during summer and winter and sparkles some great visual effects in autumn and spring, when the color diversity is at its peak. The unconventional project measures 138 feet x 36 x 4 inches (42.06 m x 91.44 x 10.16 cm) and evokes the reflection of space in its continuous conversion. It is really calming to think about the Shotz’s creative approach and try to discover the many implications an almost invisible barrier may have on a certain environment. However, the artistic value of this project was not the only argument for featuring it on Freshome. We also want to ask your opinion regarding the practical aspects of such a design. I’ve seen several interesting nature-inspired fence paintings and designs, but would any of you guys really consider having a mirror fence? Source: Freshome