Saad Eddine El Othmani

Chinese companies expressed on Wednesday their wish to invest and strengthen partnership with Morocco, and share their expertise with African countries, including the Kingdom.
Leaders of these companies have stressed their will to invest in Morocco and develop partnerships with the Kingdom, on the sidelines of the visit by head of government Saad Eddine El Othmani to Beijing Technology Park.
A statement from the head of government's office said that officials from several Chinese companies have expressed their adherence to the new initiatives taken by Chinese president Xi Jinping, on the occasion of the 3rd summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
The visit, paid along with Minister Delegate for African Cooperation Mohcine Jazouli and the Ambassador of Morocco to China, was an opportunity for the Moroccan delegation to get informed about the experiences of several leading Chinese companies with a view to developing partnerships with the Kingdom of Morocco, transferring their know-how and attracting new investments, particularly in the field of modern technology.
The head of the government also visited the "Inno way" innovation neighborhood which houses start-ups and helped support these companies during the launch phase.