Actress Sawsan Badr began today filming the first scenes from her upcoming film, “An hour and a half", where she plays the role of a mother, and a grandmother of two, who after reaching retirement age travels to Port Said by train to receive her end-of-service payment, only to have a train accident and for events to escalate further. Ayten Amer plays Badr’s daughter in the film. The storyline follows the events of a famous train which was set on fire in Ayat, south of Al Giza, where a number of varied interlinked humane tales and stories take place, shedding light on the poor, their problems, and the negative aspects of today’s society. The film belongs to the “one day” style of film, where the film is based on the events taking place over one day only. The film cast includes a number of stars including Fathy Abdel Wahab, Yusra al-Lawzi, Eyad Nassar, Adel Emam, Haitham Ahmed Zaki, Karima Mokhtar, Salah Abdallah, Ahmed Flox, Ayten Amer, Hala Fakher and Regina. The film was written by Ahmed Abdallah, produced by Ahmed El Sobky, and directed by Wael Ehsan.