Resigned Egyptian belly dancer Najwa Foad said that she gratefully regrets getting a divorce from prominent musician Ahmad Foad. Najwa revealed that the reason behind the divorce was the fact that she did not want to have children fearing childbirth would ruin her perfect figure. Najwa stated that if she could go back in time she would not have refused having children and would have done what modern female artists due of combining their profession and having a family. According to the internet website, with regards to belly dancing, Najwa openly said that Egypt has not witnessed any significant belly dancers since Fifi Abdo and Dina. Najwa said she had begun belly dancing at the age of 13 and had always preferred wearing dresses to dance in instead f wearing belly dancing outfits. She added that what had made her famous and a success is the fact that she was a very talented dancer and did not use dancing as a means to become famous and make a fortune.